Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Made to Love

You are a luminous powerful soul in a beautifully unique human form.

You knew this when you were very young. Through your fresh eyes, the world was an enchanted place full of miraculous things to explore.

Unfortunately, you were born into a world where the unconscious ego still controlled its hosts and because of this, you were systematically taught to forget that which you knew. Slowly you were herded into a sleepy existence.

Your alive and curious nature was curbed by the new knowledge of your flaws (those parts which were deemed undesirable/unattractive) by a superficial society obsessed with the illusions of the ego. The radiant being full of love and life was replaced with self-doubt and social masks.

Once your inner peace was sabotaged, you graduated to the position of judge, where you could find fault and point out the many flaws of others. This happened naturally as the voices that trained you in your “imperfection”, were already internalised and you only had to mindlessly repeat what they said in order for it to have the same sabotaging effect on others, especially the children, who are the most susceptible to negative judgement.

Somewhere in this cycle of the gradual removal of the true self, you do have opportunities to break free. These opportunities come in the form of experiences of the heart; those times when you connect on a deeply emotional level with someone else, when you are present for the beauty that surrounds you, when a stillness arises. These moments act as reminders of who you are, what life could be. They whisper to you amidst a bombardment of negativity and mindlessness: Reclaim your consciousness. Remember that you are made to love, to reach out and stretch up, to express yourself with joy. Remember what if feels like to be Awake and Alive!

If we notice the insanity of living a life controlled by fear, judgement and feelings of unworthiness and if we can see how much damage we inflict on ourselves and others with the constant barrage of actions born from anxiety and anger, we can mindfully decide to start a new way of Life.

Earth would be a vastly different place than we know today; a place where we have learned to acknowledge and even celebrate differences, not judge it. We would recognise and revere Life in all its facets and forms. Even if there were pockets of people still ruled by their unconscious ego and therefore act out with violence and destruction, we would look at them with conscious compassion knowing, that they know not what they do. Our lives would be a celebration. We would live our potential to the full and in harmony with others who are doing the same. Wars would end.

Can this happen?

Yes, when you accept yourself right now, exactly as you are. Completely. Accept others right now, exactly as they are. Completely.

And there you have it. You have remembered what you knew as a child.


Complete acceptance brings about complete inner peace and with it, the clarity to accept the responsibility of changing the things you can.

Simple, not easy.

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