Friday, May 9, 2014

Thank You Eli Stone!

There is a difference between knowing something and truly comprehending it.  I know a light-year is the distance that light travels in vacuum in one Julian year. It amounts to just under 10 trillion kilometres. Can I wrap my brain around it? Absolutely not. I know a baby takes 9 months to develop and grow in her mother’s womb. Can I grasp the mystery of a new life? No way.

The same principles apply to the human condition. I may know about the effects of a romantic crush, but until I have experienced the rush of hormones and the sleepless nights, it will merely be an idea.

I believe it is the experience itself that is the alchemical force transforming knowledge into understanding. It is only when we go through a challenge that we can start saying: “A-ha! Now I see!” Without experience, knowledge is a collection of facts that have little power over us and our lives. Ask a person of faith. It is not the reading of a holy scripture that makes you believe, it is the experience of what it teaches, that makes you believe and that changes your life. It is and always will be about experience.

A while ago I felt that I needed a new experience, something to shift my perception to teach me something extraordinary and how does the saying go? When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Enter Eli Stone.  It was this seemingly ordinary TV series that ignited a remarkable epiphany. Paul and I watched as the characters of the story experienced the familiar emotional highs and lows of love and everyday life. It is not unlike many other stories, but somehow I was more immersed and involved in this show. When it finished I felt a strange sense of loss. I had to say goodbye to everyone I got to know so well and I felt foolish for feeling this way about people that did not even really exist.

It was just what I needed to see so I could understand the most vital element of emotional well-being. I wish I could bottle this elixir and give it to the world, but alas, I can only write about it. I can give you the knowledge of what I experienced, but not the experience itself. You see, as I was feeling upset about the end of the show, I had an a-ha moment and as far as insights go, this was the most important one of my life.

I suddenly realised, or rather, I intuitively felt that I was much stronger than the anguish I went through in that moment. I was more connected to my strength than to my fear. In one single instant I knew I was truly powerful and completely invulnerable to the pain my ego was suffering. 

I realised that any feelings, sad or happy, are just temporary rivers that flow over a bedrock of strength. This bedrock of strength is my Essence, the core of who I am.  It is there for me to access any time I need. I always have a choice. Either I can immerse myself in the temporary rivers of my ever changing feelings and drown in it or I can connect to the vast and immense solidity of unchanging peace underlying the surface of it. It is self-pity vs self-confidence. It is letting go of all illusions of control in order to genuinely take charge. I realised that the power was in me. I simply had to experience it to earnestly recognise it.

Although there have been times since this particular experience that I have felt worried and happy and sad and anxious and confused, I have been able to take a deep breath, shift my perception and touch the peace that I know to be far more powerful and vast than anything else I have ever felt. It is the kind of peace that exudes a quiet confidence; a humble whisper of thundering strength.

As René Daumal’s famous quote goes:
“You cannot stay on the summit forever; you have to come down again. So why bother in the first place? Just this: What is above knows what is below, but what is below does not know what is above. One climbs, one sees. One descends, one sees no longer, but one has seen. There is an art of conducting oneself in the lower regions by the memory of what one saw higher up. When one can no longer see, one can at least still know.”

My experience on the summit was one of complete peace and inner strength. I wish I could give it to you to help you through difficult and confusing times, but it is not mine to give away. It is yours to take and experience for yourself.

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